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If your use of social media has gotten out of control, we can help.
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About Social Media Addiction

While a doctor can’t diagnose you with an illness called social media addiction, it’s very possible for it to take on an outsized value in your life. It can lead to compulsive behavior. In fact, some experts believe that 10 percent of the U.S. population meets the criteria for social media addiction. 

Social media, when used in moderation, can be a great way to connect with friends and family, especially if you don’t live close by. And it can be a fun way to relax. But it’s also easy to lose track of time, and allow social media to take up too much of your life. Also, if using social media causes you to feel bad about yourself or to obsess about how others online will perceive you, it’s time to reevaluate your relationship to it. 

Overusing social media can lead to low self-esteem, fear of missing out (“FOMO”) when not using social media, a sense of loneliness and isolation, ignoring or neglecting real-life relationships, and failure to tend to responsibilities like work or family.

It’s important to keep in mind that, as real as social media can feel, it’s not real life. People work hard to present a sanitized version of their lives that rarely reflects reality they don’t want others to see. That’s why comparing your life to the curated versions you encounter on social media can make you feel like you’re coming up short. 

We’ve Helped Thousands of Individuals Overcome Drug and Alcohol Addiction

If you or a loved one are ready to overcome drug or alcohol abuse, our addiction specialists are here to guide you through every step. Many of our dedicated staff members are in long-term recovery themselves and understand firsthand the challenges of the recovery journey. This personal experience, combined with our professional expertise, allows us to offer compassionate, effective support tailored to your unique needs.

Signs Of Social Media Addiction

If you’re concerned your social media use hobby has become a habit, it’s a good idea to re-evaluate your relationship with it. Take a look at these signs to help identify whether your use of has gotten out of control: 

  • Ignoring other people in real life in favor of using social media
  • Having problems at work or school because of social media use
  • Frustration or a sense that something is missing when you can’t access social media
  • Thinking about social media whenever you’re not actively using it
  • Regularly turning to social media as an escape from stress or problems
  • Using social media to deal with interpersonal problems

Also, ask yourself how you really feel when using social media. Does it make you feel good about yourself, or do you feel like you don’t measure up to others? Does it feel like something you have to do, versus something you want to do? Your relationship with social media can change over time, so check in with yourself regularly to prevent a social activity from becoming a compulsive behavior.

Recovery Starts at Our Drug and Alcohol Rehab by Requesting a Call

Our drug addiction and mental health treatment center proudly offers only the highest standard of care in addiction medicine and behavioral health, underpinned by our state-of-the-art facilities and a team of esteemed alcohol and drug treatment professionals. To get started, give us a call or request a call from an addiction specialist who can offer support and guidance for you or a loved one.

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Treating Social Media Addiction

At Right Path Rehab, we use social media to maintain our connections with past clients, and to build relationships with new ones. After all, social media can be used in ways that are healthy and productive. However, real life relationships are more authentic and more fulfilling than any social media interaction. 

As you undergo addiction treatment at Right Path Rehab, we’ll help you find ways to end your dependence on social media. Along the way, you’ll create new relationships that are based on common experiences. And you’ll find that those friendships mean much more than accumulating “likes” or followers. 

There are some things you can do to get started. First, go ahead and adjust the settings on your smartphone so you don’t receive push notifications from apps. On many smartphones, you can set time limits to help you put guardrails on the time you use any given app each day. Also, think about removing social media apps from your smartphone. You don’t have to delete your account if you don’t want to. But by keeping social media apps off your phone, it’s easier to pay attention to real-life relationships.


Insurance Can Cover up to 100% of The Costs of Addiction Treatment and Mental Health Care

Did you know that insurance can cover up to 100% of the costs of addiction treatment and mental health care? Our addiction treatment center accepts most insurance plans. For a free insurance benefits check complete our confidential insurance verification form by clicking the link below.


Alexis Ecoff MA, LMFT, MCAP
As the Clinical Director for Right Path Recovery in San Diego, Alexis brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the field of counseling and therapy. She has a strong academic background with a B.S. in Psychology and a B.S. in Family and Child Sciences from Florida State University, and an M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of San Diego. Alexis is licensed in Marriage and Family Therapy in California, Florida, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, and is a member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT).
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