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Anxiety disorders can lead to substance abuse — and prevent you from living your life to the fullest.

What Are Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder, affecting more than 18 percent of adults in the United States. Yet only a fraction who suffer from it get treatment. 

When we come across something that could be perceived as a source of danger, our brains react in the same way that our ancestors’ brains would have. The fight or flight reaction occurs, whether we’re fleeing a wooly mammoth or giving a talk in front of a hostile crowd. As a result, adrenaline makes our beat faster and our blood pressure climb as we get ready to do battle or run away … hence the name “fight or flight.” It’s easy to see how this process served us well in prehistoric times. But in context of the situations we’re likely to encounter today, it’s a different story. A bit of adrenaline may afford a bit of an edge on an exam or in a sports event. But when it occurs regularly, it can signal the presence of an anxiety disorder. 

Anxiety disorders can have a genetic basis. They can also be the result of a traumatic situation or event that leaves the brain in a continuous state of alert and anxiety.

We’ve Helped Thousands of Individuals Overcome Drug and Alcohol Addiction

If you or a loved one are ready to overcome drug or alcohol abuse, our addiction specialists are here to guide you through every step. Many of our dedicated staff members are in long-term recovery themselves and understand firsthand the challenges of the recovery journey. This personal experience, combined with our professional expertise, allows us to offer compassionate, effective support tailored to your unique needs.

Signs And Symptoms Of Anxiety

There are many types of anxiety disorders. If you suffer from any one of them, you may also experience physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, chest pain, shortness of breath, trembling hands, sweating, inability to sleep, dizziness, choking, stomach pain and nausea. 

You may also find yourself struggling with behavioral symptoms such as:

  • A powerful sense of fear that lasts for months at a time
  • Multiple failed attempts to address that sense of fear
  • Reliance on substances or other behaviors to manage the symptoms
  • Struggles with your social life, career, and relationships

The Relationships Between Substance Abuse And Anxiety Disorders

People suffering from anxiety disorder often use drugs and alcohol as a way to self-medicate and minimize the symptoms. It’s understandable that they would seek a way to avoid the unpleasant feelings that come with anxiety. Unfortunately this strategy invariably backfires over time. 

Substance abuse is a source of anxiety that can make existing symptoms worse. Also, it’s possible to build a tolerance to drugs and alcohol used to medicate anxiety disorders, and discover they aren’t as effective as they used to be. In order to achieve the same effects, it’s necessary to take more. As a result, it’s possible to develop a psychological or physical addiction. 

Fortunately, there are a number of excellent options for treating anxiety disorders. Right Path Rehab Recovery can put them to work for your situation, so you can feel calmer and more at peace without having to rely on harmful substances. Let’s work together to find the right approach for you!

Recovery Starts at Our Drug and Alcohol Rehab by Requesting a Call

Our drug addiction and mental health treatment center proudly offers only the highest standard of care in addiction medicine and behavioral health, underpinned by our state-of-the-art facilities and a team of esteemed alcohol and drug treatment professionals. To get started, give us a call or request a call from an addiction specialist who can offer support and guidance for you or a loved one.

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Treatment For Anxiety Disorders And Addiction

The clinical team at Right Path Rehab Recovery is trained in treating anxiety disorders and other mental health conditions that can occur along with addiction. Often, treatment starts with detox. You won’t have to go it alone. In fact, our team provides medication to help you manage any withdrawal symptoms along the way, so you’re safe and comfortable throughout this important time. 

We’ll create  an individualized recovery plan to help you deal with both your co-occurring mental health conditions and your addiction. Together, we’ll explore the right combination of therapy, wellness and — if necessary — prescription medications. Acceptance commitment therapy, motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy can help you deal with your anxiety disorder without the need for toxic substances. Also, our holistic approach, including yoga and meditation, will give you the tools to find peace and mindfulness throughout recovery.

Let’s work together to help you find a quality life beyond anxiety and addiction. Call or click to connect with Right Path Rehab today.


Insurance Can Cover up to 100% of The Costs of Addiction Treatment and Mental Health Care

Did you know that insurance can cover up to 100% of the costs of addiction treatment and mental health care? Our addiction treatment center accepts most insurance plans. For a free insurance benefits check complete our confidential insurance verification form by clicking the link below.


Alexis Ecoff MA, LMFT, MCAP
As the Clinical Director for Right Path Recovery in San Diego, Alexis brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the field of counseling and therapy. She has a strong academic background with a B.S. in Psychology and a B.S. in Family and Child Sciences from Florida State University, and an M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of San Diego. Alexis is licensed in Marriage and Family Therapy in California, Florida, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, and is a member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT).
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